Is Crown Molding Right for Your Home Improvements?

When it’s time to revamp your home’s look, interior painting might be the first thing on your mind. Indeed, applying a new coat of paint and changing up the colors can truly transform your home. However, there are many other ways to enhance your home’s aesthetic beyond just painting. For [...]

2023-03-11T10:43:04-05:00October 9, 2019|

What Causes Issues with Drywall Finishing?

Once all your drywall is in place, there is still plenty of work to do before interior painting can begin. Properly finishing drywall requires the right tools, patience, and proper technique. Experience doesn’t hurt, either. Sure, anyone can learn to finish drywall, but there are plenty of pitfalls you might [...]

2023-03-11T10:43:05-05:00October 7, 2019|

Office Painting: How to Prevent Knicks, Marks, and Damage to Workspace Walls

A well-maintained workplace is often a more productive one. If an office looks worn down, most employees will have a hard time feeling motivated during the day. This is why it’s so important to invest in routine maintenance for your workplace. Tasks like vacuuming and mopping are no-brainers, but other [...]

2023-03-11T10:43:06-05:00October 3, 2019|

Home Interior Painting: Do Certain Colors Hide Wall Marks Better?

No matter how diligent you are, you can’t protect your home’s walls from every scratch, mark, or ding. Fortunately, you can often remove many of these unsightly blemishes with proper cleaning or paint touch-ups. But perhaps you’re tired of dealing with these issues altogether. In a perfect world, your walls [...]

2023-03-11T10:43:06-05:00October 1, 2019|

Home Repair FAQ: Why Aren’t My Doors Closing Properly?

Doors do a lot for your home. They allow you to enter and exit your home, separate rooms from one another for privacy, security, and insulation, and even act as a safety measure against the spread of fire. When your doors aren’t functioning as they should, you’ll want to fix [...]

2023-03-11T10:43:08-05:00September 15, 2019|

Finish Carpentry and Moldings: Can I Prevent Scratches and Damage?

Installing finely crafted finish carpentry and moldings can transform a bland interior into something memorable. In addition to their aesthetic value, baseboards, crown molding, rail trim, and other types of finish carpentry also help insulate your home at the edges and protect your interior painting from damage. But if finish [...]

2023-03-11T10:43:08-05:00September 13, 2019|

Drywall Repair: Has Moisture Intrusion Damaged Drywall in Your Home or Office?

Drywall is a staple in homes and offices all across America. If properly maintained, drywall lasts a long time and helps keep interior spaces insulated. That said, drywall isn’t impervious. In many ways, moisture is drywall’s Kryptonite, quickly spreading and weakening its structure from the inside out. If you notice [...]

2023-03-11T10:43:09-05:00September 11, 2019|

Commercial Painting for Workplace Health & Safety

There are many reasons to invest in commercial painting services for your business, the most obvious being to impress your customers by offering a clean, fresh, and welcoming atmosphere. More importantly, however, a new coat of paint in your office, storefront, or commercial facility can actually promote greater workplace health [...]

2023-03-11T10:43:10-05:00September 7, 2019|

What to Do if You Find Rotting Wood

No one wants to encounter rotting wood in or outside their home. Unfortunately, even if you’re on top of your home maintenance, wood rot is quite common, especially in humid climates where fungi can thrive. If and when you do find rotting wood in your home, you might not know [...]

2023-03-11T10:43:11-05:00September 3, 2019|

Where is Wood Most Likely to Rot?

Wood has long been a staple of home construction. While other building materials like metal, concrete, and brick all share the stage, wood is still one of the most common materials used to build and expand homes due to its flexibility, durability, abundance, and aesthetics. That said, wood has plenty [...]

2023-03-11T10:43:12-05:00August 11, 2019|