Refreshing your living space can often be a rewarding task, even when it’s something as simple as painting window sills inside your home. While some projects may require professional interior house painters, repainting your window sills is an easy DIY task that can drastically improve the look of any room.

Ready to dive in and give your window sills a new look? Let’s get started.

Painting Window Sills Inside Your Home

Preparing Interior Window Sills for Painting

First things first, you need to prepare your window sills for the fresh coat of paint. Failing to do so may lead to peeling or uneven paint later on. So, take the time to get it right from the start.

1. Clean the Surface

First, grab a damp cloth and give the window sills a thorough wipe-down. This is crucial for removing any lingering dust, dirt, or grime that could interfere with the paint application. If you skip this step while painting window sills inside your home, you risk having the paint peel or chip later on due to poor adhesion. For stubborn stains or grime, you may need to use a mild detergent. Just make sure to rinse it off completely before moving on to the next step.

2. Sand the Surface

After cleaning, it’s time to sand the surface. Take fine-grit sandpaper and go over the entire window sill. Your aim here is to create a smooth surface for the paint to adhere to when painting window sills inside your house. Sanding will remove any old paint, smooth out imperfections, and provide a better surface for the new paint. Don’t rush through this; taking your time will pay off in the final result. Once done, wipe away any residue with a clean, dry cloth.

3. Apply Primer

Finally, once the surface is both clean and smooth, it’s time for primer. Applying a coat of primer serves as a base layer for your chosen paint, improving adhesion and durability. Primer can also help to block any stains on the wood from showing through the final paint coat. Use a brush or roller to apply the primer evenly, covering all areas. Make sure to let it dry fully before you start painting; consult the primer’s instructions for the recommended drying time.

These steps are essential in preparing your window sills for a painting project. Proper preparation ensures not only a smoother painting process but also a longer-lasting result.

What Kind of Paint Do You Use on Interior Window Sills?

Next, let’s talk about paint. You’ve got several options, but they’re not all created equal.

Water-Based Paint

Water-based paints are a popular choice for many DIY enthusiasts and professionals alike. One of the biggest perks is the easy cleanup; you can wash your brushes and any spills with just water. In addition, water-based paints tend to have lower levels of harmful fumes, making them a better option for indoor projects where ventilation might be limited. However, while they’re easier to work with, they may not be as durable as some other options. That said, modern water-based paints have improved significantly in terms of durability and finish.

Oil-Based Paint

When it comes to durability, oil-based paints are hard to beat. They’re an excellent choice for areas that will face a lot of wear and tear. However, they do come with some downsides. For one, they take longer to dry, which can extend the time needed to complete your project. Secondly, oil-based paints can be trickier to work with; they require special thinner for cleanup and emit more fumes than water-based options. Make sure to work in a well-ventilated area and take necessary precautions like wearing a mask.

Latex Paint

Latex paint is actually a type of water-based paint, but it’s worth distinguishing due to its particular features. Like other water-based options, it’s easy to clean and dries relatively quickly. However, latex paint often offers a slightly different finish and texture, and it can be more resistant to the elements, making it a strong option for both interior and exterior projects. It’s easy to apply and comes in a wide range of colors, giving you plenty of flexibility in your design choices.

Each type of paint comes with its own set of pros and cons. Your choice will depend on your specific needs, whether it’s durability, ease of use, or the type of finish you’re looking for. Remember to always read the manufacturer’s instructions and take necessary safety precautions, no matter which paint you choose.

Remember, you’ll also need to consider the finish. Glossy finishes are more durable and easier to clean, making them a good choice for window sills which might get more wear and tear.

Brush or Roller: Which Should You Use to Paint Window Sills Inside Your Home?

Now that you’ve picked your paint, you may be wondering about the best tool for the job. Both brushes and rollers have their pros and cons.

Paint Brush

A paint brush is often the go-to tool for detail-oriented tasks. The bristles allow for greater control, especially when you’re working around tricky corners or intricate designs. This precision makes it easier to avoid streaks and get an even coat. However, using a paint brush can be more time-consuming, particularly for larger surfaces. Brushes come in various sizes and types, so choosing one with the right bristle and size for your project is important. For window sills, a smaller, angled brush is generally more effective for getting into those tight spots.

Paint Roller

If speed is of the essence, a paint roller is your best friend. Rollers are excellent for covering large, flat areas in a fraction of the time it would take with a brush. However, they’re not as precise. It’s harder to navigate corners and edges, which means you’ll probably still need a brush for those areas. Rollers also come in different sizes and naps (the fabric material on the roller), so picking the right one is crucial. For window sills, a mini-roller could be a good option to cover more area quickly while still fitting into the space.

Best of Both Worlds

In many cases, using a combination of both a brush and a roller is the best option for painting window sills inside your home. Why? Because it provides the most efficient and high-quality result. You can quickly cover the main, flat areas of the window sill with a roller, ensuring you get a consistent texture. Then, switch to a paint brush to handle the corners, edges, and any detailed areas that require extra attention. This approach lets you make the most of the strengths of each tool, delivering a speedy yet precise painting job.

By understanding the benefits and limitations of each tool, you can tailor your approach to suit the specifics of your painting project, achieving a result that’s both beautiful and efficient.

Additional Tips for Painting Window Sills Inside Your House

Lastly, a few tips can go a long way in ensuring a smooth, long-lasting finish.

  • Multiple Coats: Two light coats are usually better than one thick one. Allow each coat to dry before applying the next.
  • Seal the Deal: Consider applying a sealant after the paint has dried. This adds an extra layer of protection.
  • Regular Maintenance: A quick wipe-down every few months can help keep your newly painted window sills looking fresh.


Painting window sills inside your home is a simple project that can bring a lot of value. By taking the time to prepare, choosing the right paint, and using the right tools, you’re well on your way to a beautiful and durable result. So why wait? Grab your paintbrush and give your window sills the makeover they deserve.

If you’re still feeling unsure, professional help is always available. All American Painting Plus is proud to offer top-notch painting services for all your home improvement needs. Feel free to call us at (703) 686-8988 for your in-person consultation. Take the first step towards a more beautiful home today!