This time of year is filled with fright, blights, and a few delights (especially if you love candy). The spooky season brings with it all sorts of horrors, whether on a haunted hayride or on the couch during a scary movie marathon. But perhaps nothing is scarier than a bad paint job. Yes, it might seem mundane, but imagine the terror of having to redo hours of residential painting work – or being left with what looks like a haunted house!
Well, fear not. The month of October doesn’t last forever and your home painting mistakes don’t have to be permanent either. In fact, there are ways to undo just about any painting tragedy without too much strain or pain. But in the spirit of Halloween, let’s take a look at some of the scariest residential painting mistakes one can make – and how to make them right.
Something is Bubbling Beneath the Surface!
Those who have painted a shower ceiling before have possibly run into this mishap. Paint bubbles form when moisture and/or heat get between the surface and the new coat of paint. Water expands and causes the paint to bubble. This happens in bathrooms most frequently because of the steam given off by hot showers. Without proper ventilation or sufficient drying, your ceiling or walls might end up with some boils.
Fortunately, getting rid of these interior painting pimples is easy enough. You just have to scrape the blemishes away and sand the surface once more. It’s a good idea to use another coat of primer before repainting the area. If you’re not confident correcting this yourself, contact professional home painters to get the job done.
The Paint Has Bled Onto the Floor!
Before painting the inside of your home, you should always set down drop cloths to prevent paint from dripping or spilling onto the floor. Of course, no amount of preparation can prevent a serious mishap, like an entire paint bucket rolling into the other room, trailing all the way. Whatever the case, your home might end up looking like a crime scene, putting the rest of your paint job on hold.
The good news is that most paint will come out of most surfaces. The earlier you catch it the better, as wet paint can be handled more easily. The key here is to blot the area so that it doesn’t spread. Dry paint can be gathered using a bit of hot water and a detergent solution. Any small dried remnants can also be scraped away with a dull object. Some companies make solutions specifically for removing paint, which can come in handy here.
The Trim is Uneven!
Every haunted house seems to have uneven trim, among other things, of course. Truly, there’s not much scarier than when the paint job goes outside the lines and you’re left with uneven looking corners and messy lines. Truth be told, you should have used painter’s tape as a preventative measure. But mistakes happen. Of course, if you hired painting services, they should have gotten this right.
If you’re on your own, however, it’s not too late to go out and pick up some painter’s tape and try again. Any mistake can be easily painted over and done right the second time.
My Painting Service Did a Bad Job!
The scariest thing of all when it comes to home painting is when you hire residential painting contractors who do a poor job. This is why doing your research is so important. It will save you money and the hassle of having to fix a bad paint job. All American Painting Plus, Inc. is guaranteed to get it right the first time and help fix any painting mistakes you or anyone else has made. Have no fear! Call us today at 703-620-5563, or email us at for estimates and more information!