Whether you own a home, a business, or both, your exterior steps are more important than you might think. Functionally, they provide safe and easy passage onto a patio or directly into a building. Aesthetically, they enhance a property’s curb appeal and invite people to enter. As such, these features require just as much attention and maintenance as any other exterior surface. Neglecting your exterior steps can harm your property’s value, damage your business’s reputation, and even lead to injury.
The best way to protect your steps is to clean them on a routine basis. You might do this yourself, but hiring the pros will yield the best results. Some companies, like All American Painting Plus, offer a variety of property maintenance services, including painting, cleaning, repairs, and more. Here are four problems you avoid when professional painters clean your exterior steps.
1. Mold and Mildew
Dirty steps can quickly become havens for fungi like mold and mildew, especially in warmer, humid climates. Wooden steps are the most vulnerable to this invasion. The presence of mold won’t just reduce your property’s visual appeal, but can also lead to health issues for those nearby. Therefore, it’s imperative to get rid of any fungi growing on your steps. You might not notice the presence of mold or mildew right away, but by the time it’s visible, you already have a serious problem. Fortunately, hiring the right team to properly clean your steps can blast away these unwanted spores and help prevent any new growth.
2. Slips and Falls
Steps should be safe to walk upon, period. Even a relatively small incline can lead to injury if the person can’t find their footing. While some accidents can’t be avoided, hiring painting services to clean and coat your exterior steps can significantly minimize the risk of tripping. First, clean, freshly painting steps are easier to see, even when it’s dark. This means people can stay on course when traveling up or down each step. And secondly, dirty steps can become slick as dust, grease, and other debris greatly reduces friction. Keeping those steps clean, then, is a matter of safety.
3. Structural Damage
Speaking of safety, neglecting your steps can eventually lead to rot, rust, and other forms of deterioration (depending on what they’re made of). It goes without saying that weakened or broken steps are dangerous to tread upon. And if these steps are attached to other structural features, this damage can extend further. This is why it’s so important to invest in exterior painting and cleaning for all your surfaces, including your steps.
4. Poor Presentation
While keeping your steps safe and functional should be your top priority, maintaining their appearance matters, too, especially for business owners. Commercial painting and cleaning cannot be an afterthought. Poorly kempt steps reflect negatively on a company as a whole. And yes, customers do notice such things.
As for homeowners, presentation matters, too. Your home’s market value is directly tied to its curb appeal, which takes into account the condition of your entire exterior, steps included. So, professional exterior painters and cleaners can bolster a brand’s reputation and enhance the property’s value by paying attention to those steps.
When it comes to maintaining your property, you can’t skip any steps (literally). The painting and cleaning pros at All American Painting Plus will help you avoid the four pitfalls outlined above, and do so much more. To learn more about us and everything else we offer our clients in Northern Virginia, give us a call at (703) 620-5563!