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The Message New Exterior Paint Sends

If you run a brick and mortar business that receives customers and/or clients, it’s important to think about the optics of your facility. The outer upkeep of your building or buildings sends a message to your customers before they even set foot inside your facility. The same holds true for [...]

December 8, 2016|

How to Paint Brick

How to Paint Brick - Painting Exposed Bricks Exposed brick is one of the most popular ways to add modern style to an older house. Even though exposed brick happens to be on trend, this look has been popular during many different eras. One simply has to look at old [...]

December 3, 2016|

White House Paint for Inauguration Day

With the 2017 Inauguration Day approaching, a lot of people have white houses on the brain. All American Painting Plus isn’t going to get into the weeds of political opinion, but we are more than happy to give our customers some advice about white paint for the home or business. [...]

November 29, 2016|

Whitewashing for a Natural, Beachy Look

At All American Painting Plus, we get a lot of calls for residential painting. Typically this involves painting walls and ceilings, though we occasionally get requests for more uncommon applications. One of the most interesting trends we’ve seen, both online and in person, is using a diluted white paint for [...]

November 23, 2016|

Best Time of Year for Exterior Painting?

If you’re ready to paint the exterior of your home, there are a number of details you need to figure out. You’ve got paint colors to consider, painting contractors to call, quotes to compare - and all for a simple exterior paint job. Perhaps you’ve discovered that getting your house [...]

November 20, 2016|

Think Before Making Your Room Black

There are those of us who have never before considered painting a room black. There are those of us who chose this as our bedroom wall color during high school. Finally, there are a few who successfully use black walls and ceilings to create a sexy, sophisticated atmosphere in their [...]

November 18, 2016|

Lead Paint Safety/Removal in Old Homes

You may not have thought about the phrase “lead paint” in decades. Lead house paint has been illegal in the United States since 1978, though lead is still used in road and traffic paints. The problem is, though you won’t see cans of lead paint lining the shelves of your [...]

November 13, 2016|

When to DIY Your Interior Paint

We live in the age of DIY. The financial crash of the last decade definitely contributed to this. Rather than paying for new goods and services, people started to repair and build from scratch. It’s not a bad way to live, and If you’ve personally subscribed to the DIY ethos, [...]

November 8, 2016|

Increasing Equity With Exterior Painting?

Your home is probably the biggest single investment you’ll ever make in your life. When most people buy their first house, they’ve never dealt in purchases in the hundreds-of-thousands of dollars. But this is exactly what homeownership calls for. As new homeowners start to pay off their mortgage loans, they [...]

November 3, 2016|

Being on Extreme Makeover Home Edition

Extreme Makeover Home Edition is a reality show on ABC television that focuses on home makeovers for less fortunate, deserving families and individuals. The reason it is extreme is because they tear down a home or facility and rebuild it in a week. Yes a week! That’s pretty extreme. The [...]

December 3, 2015|