Painting Resources2023-03-11T10:37:43-05:00

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What to Know Before Hiring a Painter

If your Northern Virginia home is ready for a new coat of paint and you are contemplating which painting contractors to use, we suggest you take a breath and approach the task armed with questions that need answers. You may think that coming to a consensus on what colors to [...]

July 15, 2018|

Painting Colors Interior Designers Use

Summertime in Northern Virginia seems like an appropriate time to bring up the coolest colors used by interior designers in client homes. Given how hot and humid this year has been, imagine how satisfying it would be to walk into your house and instantly feel like you have entered a [...]

July 13, 2018|

Beat the Heat with These Cooling Colors

Summer is here and so is our Northern Virginia simmering heat and humidity. Also making an appearance, are wallet busting energy bills associated with cooling down your home. Wouldn’t it be nice if, after finishing your 32.2 minute commute from work in heavy traffic, you could come home to a [...]

July 12, 2018|

Use of Residential Painters For Cabins

Do you have a getaway cabin or vacation home? Loudoun County and Washington County are beautiful areas with plenty of recreational opportunities. Perhaps the beach appeals to you more and you have a cottage on the Chesapeake Bay or the Atlantic. No matter where your vacation home is, whether in [...]

July 7, 2018|

Meeting-Helping Conference Room Colors

A recent business study reports that the average employee spends 37% of their time attending meetings of one type or another. That’s about 15 hours per week. With that big of an investment in labor cost, Northern Virginia business owners want to make sure that meeting time is as productive [...]

July 2, 2018|

Shrink A Room’s Feel with Ceiling Paint

The colors used to decorate a space can actually shape the appearance of a room. Different paint colors, and even different shades of the same color, provide a variety of effects. Generally speaking, lighter and cooler colors tend to recede; they appear farther away. Conversely, darker colors and warm colors [...]

June 27, 2018|

Interesting Ways to Incorporate Shiplap

Shiplap is definitely trending with Northern Virginia homeowners and that trend isn’t going to end anytime soon. There’s something about the classic beauty in the horizontal lines and detail that just appeals to so many people. Toss in the fact that shiplap is relatively easy to install, affordable and incredibly [...]

June 22, 2018|

Turning an Unused Barn Into a Venue

Is there a wedding in your future? More specifically, are you responsible for planning a wedding and need to determine the venue? Do you own a barn? If the answer to any of these is yes, you may want to consider jumping on the “wedding in a barn” bandwagon that [...]

June 17, 2018|

Residential Interior Painting: Shiplap

Shiplap siding is showing up as interior décor in homes all across Northern Virginia and for good reason. Shiplap and fiberwood planks are affordable, relatively easy to install, can be painted or stained any color, and most importantly, immediately create an atmosphere reflecting earlier times. Shiplap is used on walls, [...]

June 12, 2018|

Power Wash the Exterior of A Summer Home

Have you ever considered power washing your Northern Virginia home? Usually when a house begins to look a bit dingy, homeowners begin thinking about calling an exterior house painting service to get a quote. But Northern Virginia’s leading exterior house painters at All American Painting Plus frequently recommend a faster, [...]

June 7, 2018|